There Should be a Women’s Olympics for Bitching.

Posted in Myths and Lores on May 20th, 2005

There is a misnomer in our society to the tune of “household chores”. “Chores” imply that there is work that needs getting done. That makes sense, doesn’t it? In days of old, the man of the house would establish these chores and then divy them up to his clan. There would be no bullshit about this. My how times have changed for the worse.

Today’s “household chores” are merely a fabrication of women to invent things to endlessly bitch about. [Read more]

Let’s Call a Spade a Spatula. Just to be Silly.

Posted in Myths and Lores on May 18th, 2005

I awoke this morning with a powerful thirst to wrap my large, male brain-muscles around a myth that needs busting. So here it is: women hate nice guys.

Women hate nice guys?

That’s stupider than the Vagina Monologues. [Read more]

Cooking Up Trouble

Posted in Doings and Dealings on May 16th, 2005

To be a great chef it takes dedication, knowledge of various spices, and some amount of sensitivity. That’s why men make better chefs than women, because women have none of those three. Knowing that cinnamon tastes good on their Frapacinos, or whatever candy-ass coffee nightmare that cost a man somewhere 3.95, is not a knowledge of spices. [Read more]

Women suck at computers

Posted in Doings and Dealings on May 13th, 2005

Computers are all over the place: the bank, the sciences, the workplace — in other words, places where women are not. Is this a coincidence? You bet your ass that no it isn’t.

Women face countless problems in their pipe-dream of equality. The biggest being that the whole notion is childish and only realistic to an insane person or someone who has never had a job.

Women also suck at computers. [Read more]

Oil on the Brain

Posted in Science Says... on May 11th, 2005

I read an article a few months ago about some fundamental differences between the brains of men and women and I would like to discuss one of the more interesting points.

Let me also stress up front that I don’t remember really where I read this article. It was in some journal of scientific findings that is quite reputable. That much you can be sure of. [Read more]

I cannot tell a lie…because I’m a man.

Posted in Myths and Lores on May 9th, 2005

Women are all liars. At least that’s what every man in the world thinks. Indeed I myself thought this for quite some time.

That’s when I realized I was wrong.

But not wrong in the way a woman is wrong whenever she opens her mouth or engages in any kind internal dialogue; wrong in way that is simply not right and not dangerous. Here’s the real scoop. [Read more]

Driving me nuts.

Posted in Doings and Dealings on May 6th, 2005

When it comes to the simple task of driving, be it a car, train or fortune 500 company; men are better than women — although to be certain in the final category there has yet to be a group of evidence which is sufficiently large. Am I right business men.

This is for several reasons. [Read more]

Why women hate sex.

Posted in The MANifesto on May 4th, 2005

Out of all the problems that have ever or will ever exist on the Earth, there is only one that men haven’t and will never be able to solve — not because they can’t, because that’s ridiculous, but because the problem is unsolvable by design. Women hate sex. [Read more]