Women are Obsessed with Men Being Obsessed with Sex
Posted in The MANifesto on November 25th, 2005I buy a lot of drinks for people when I go out. Strangers, people sitting at the bar, even the bar tenders themselves. It’s important to me that everyone is able to quench their thirst as quickly as possible. I’m a man and that’s in my providing nature. It’s also huge amounts of Man Points. I’ll lose a dozen for forcing my way to the front of the bar in the first place, but then I reverse gain them with a multiplier with free drinks all around. Man Points are like that. Tempestuous.
What I’ve noticed over the years is that men are quite thankful to be purchased a drink. They will engage you in friendly conversation — even if you don’t want to be engaged. Women, however, are awful and rude just like usual. When I gave it some thought, I realized that it’s not because they aren’t actually grateful for the drink. No, no. Women guzzle down their free alcohol like out of work carney’s outside of a liquor mart.
What I realized is that women show no gratitude when having drinks purchased for them because they are obsessed with sex! [Read more]