Who’s Walking Who?
Posted in Anecdotal Evidence on February 13th, 2006Women should not be allowed to walk down the street without a leash. [Read more]
Women should not be allowed to walk down the street without a leash. [Read more]
Any successful business venture is one of two things.
One: it offers a needed product or service at a better price or superior quality.
Two: women are whores.
What happens when you combine the two? I’ll tell you what you don’t get. You don’t get a valet service that brings a bunch of bikini clad bimbos to your house to park your guests’ cars — in a non-euphamistic sense.
How’s that for a door prize?
“What did I win, Mr. Masteron?”
“Dings all the fuck over your Hummer! Thanks for coming!” [Read more]
You know what kind of lame feminist bullshit I hate the most? Feel good, horn-trumpting, back-patting, we didn’t do shit but we deserve a parade, lame feminist bullshit.
Wait a minute. That’s everything that comes out of a feminist’s big fat mouth. [Read more]
Most of the time hiring a woman for anything other than prostitution is merely a dumb idea. Let me rephrase that for newcomers. Hiring a woman for anything other than using her sex appeal is a dumb idea — that’s what any job comes down to as a woman: being a prostitute.
And why not? While using her natural and only abilities, a woman can only fuck up badly enough to get fired. The fuckup is self-contained.
But what about when lives hang in the balance? Do women have any sense of obligation?
No. It turns out that they definitely do not. [Read more]
There’s someone in every man’s life that he learns to appreciate just about the time he moves out of the house. This is someone who should be respected at all times. Their advice is golden and tempered with experience. It should be treasured. This is a person to whom a man can confide all of his secrets.
It’s his fucking attorney. Who did you think I was going to say? His mother?
Eat shit. [Read more]
Women should not work at the IRS. First of all, women don’t know what money is. They think it’s love — specifically the love their father didn’t give their mother because she was a raging bitch. Guess what it isn’t.
Money is a mark of hard work or smart work. All men know that. That’s why we make more money than women. It’s the same reason a fly fisherman catches more fish than a donkey. The fisherman knows what the fuck is going on. [Read more]
I was sitting in my favorite chair yesterday evening drinking a glass of Black Label and ruminating on the myths in our society. One struck me as being especially ridiculous.
‘Marriage,’ I scoffed — or at least I’m sure that I did. And any man will do exactly the same if he’s not afraid of having his balls ripped off by someone who has just finished a grueling 20 hour work week. I’m talking about women. Millionaires aren’t in the habbit of ripping balls off when people say the most obvious goddamn thing in the world. [Read more]
Men are better than women at being coach potatoes. As a man I can tell you that this is certainly true. Whenever a woman sits on a couch she is the same frail ball of nerves and neuroses that she was behind the wheel or when she tried to “help” a man do goddamn anything at all.
When a man sits on a couch, however, he is one thing and one thing only — totally relaxed. That’s why a woman should never talk to a man if he’s sitting on the couch. Not only is she shrill, annoying, full of shit, and has nothing of worth to talk about; but that man is so relaxed right then he has actually relaxed his hearing completely. As a man, that’s his prerogative. [Read more]