MySpace is Full of Sluts and Whores

Posted in The MANifesto on April 28th, 2006

Does everyone know of this thing called MySpace? Apparently it’s a website for young girls to practice their whoring skills from the comfort of their own home. This service is provided for free.

Jesus Christ, it sickens me.

It sickens me beyond the garish colors and wildly blinking tags of text. Nay, that’s merely a sickness of stomach. MySpace, however, sickens me straight to the core of my morality.

This is my point today: when left to their own devices, men construct things out of other things. We build friendships out of people; we make wheels from slabs of rock; we make one long straw out of several other straws. Women, on the other hand, get their whore on. [Read more]

Maniversary Origins

Posted in Ask Dick on April 26th, 2006

I’ve been asked this question by many people. I don’t care about the women who’ve asked it though. Like most questions women ask, they’re just doing it to set themselves up to say something snotty.

Here it is, for the very special One Year Maniversary.

A Maniversary is like an anniversary that’s not besmirched by a pointless and crass exchange of gifts for simple niceties like politeness and deranged sex acts.

“Dick, why did you start” [Read more]

But What’s the Alternative? Shipping Women Around in Crates?

Posted in Doings and Dealings on April 24th, 2006

You know how you can’t bring drugs or tigers to the airport? Women should also not be allowed within a hundred yards of an airport. Here are the reasons.

Women can’t drive.
Women can’t lift shit.
Women can’t shut up.

Like usual, I think I’ve made my point. [Read more]

More on Spelling — and Also Chlamydia.

Posted in Doings and Dealings on April 21st, 2006

For men, something like herpes spells death for a thriving sex life. It spells it with three letters: S, T, and D.

Guess what venereal disease spells for women. G-O, go. As in go out and party, go hook up with a bunch of guys, and especially go have as much fun as you want, you promiscuous little whore. [Read more]

Ignorance Is Not Cute

Posted in Myths and Lores on April 19th, 2006

Dating is similar to interviewing for a job. At least for men it is. Men have to tout themselves, list their accomplishments — often more times than is necessary because women are half deaf and distracted by bullshit like neon signs they can’t pronounce.

Men list what they have to offer. They do so with a smile and then they allow a respectable time for the other party to reach a decision.

Women, on the other hand, just look cute — or slutty, depending on how old they are. I really couldn’t tell you which way it goes as they get older either; more cute or more slut. Women are more like whore-a-coasters. When they’re at an age that ends in 0 or 5, hold your arms up and say, “Whee!” because you’re in for a fucking ride. [Read more]

Women are a Drag, Man. Drag Man?

Posted in Honorary Man of the Month, The MANifesto on April 16th, 2006

Tootsie was a pretty good movie. So was Mrs. Doubtfire and Ladybugs. What did these movies have in common? Men in drag.

I’ve seen women in drag before and they would not make a good movie. You can always tell a woman in drag because women are shitty actors and know dick about men and/or acting like them. Usually it’s a couple of “lesbians” out playing a round of Normie for the Night; pretending either one of them is getting a second look from anything with a pulse, but sometimes it’s just some extremely ugly chick.

The point is that I’ve always written off women in drag with a big red marker that says, ‘Fuck you’ — until I heard about Norah Vincent. [Read more]

Rock the Vote, Don’t Tip the Vote Over

Posted in The MANifesto on April 14th, 2006

The world used to be a much nicer place. I know this because I’m a man and that means that I read books. Books and dogs and the spirits of liquor are a man’s best friend, whereas a woman’s best friend is a fun house mirror that makes her look even fatter than she is and a tape recorder shaped like a man’s head she can bitch to about it.

The only mistake man ever made was valuing a woman’s opinion at more than the worth of a dead dog. They can’t do shit. They can’t think for shit. What the fuck is the point. Also, women shouldn’t vote. [Read more]

The Dating Blacklist and Other Stupid Ideas

Posted in Myths and Lores on April 12th, 2006

There’s a myth that’s been around for as long as women.

“Women can’t stand cheaters.”

Oh brother. If there’s one thing I know about women it’s that they always say the opposite of what they mean. If they tell you they’re not big eaters, bring your fucking Diners Club Card and a packet of crisps. If they tell you to roll the windows up, it means they want you to ignore them completely.

They also love cheaters. [Read more]