Are Those Catepillars on Your Face or Crayon?

Posted in Doings and Dealings, The MANifesto on June 5th, 2006

Have you ever seen women’s eyebrows? I can sum them up in one word: fucking gross.

It’s hilarious that women will do everything short of sewing a giant, fuck-off, red A for “Attention Whore” on the clothing of women who get their breasts enhanced, but women can’t stop fucking with their eyebrows. It’s the same thing.

Oh wait it’s not. It’s the same thing except one is gross and one is gorgeous. [Read more]

Female Mosquitoes and Female Women are the Same

Posted in Science Says... on June 2nd, 2006

Did you know only female mosquitoes suck your blood? That’s right. Mansquitoes don’t do shit but relax at home I guess — whatever a mosquito would do if it wasn’t being an asshole.

One, two, three and that’s it. With that last item I now have three reasons why women are the same as mosquitoes. That means I can write about it.

Women and mosquitoes both:
1. Suck your blood.
2. Hate “bananas”.
3. Never stop buzzing in your fucking ears. [Read more]

Never Ever Ever Ever Hire a Female Attorney

Posted in Doings and Dealings on May 31st, 2006

There was a time when lawyers were not hated like vermin. Do you know what happened between then and now? Women joined the practice of law.

It’s completely true. Check your history books.

In 1970, women made up 10% of first-year law students. I suppose those were the “lesbians” of the day. Interestingly enough, lawyers weren’t hated in the 70’s. Remember Night Court? That show was full of lawyers and everyone loved it.

Today, women have bumble-fucked their way into 52 to 90% of law students and Guess what, everyone fucking hates lawyers. [Read more]

Manginas Are My Hero

Posted in Wallow in It on May 29th, 2006

Not all men have money, good looks, talent, wit, charm, charisma, interesting stories, cultural insight, skills, athletic abilities, woman-attracting macho attitudes, an ability to eat an inhuman amount of food (or food based, non-toxic products), a sense of style, an easy going demeanor, a non-threatening posture, rich parents, or an in depth knowledge of anything and a desire to show it off. All men, however, are still men. That means they need to get laid.

So how do these men attract women? I’ll tell you how, by taking charge where women have failed for the last thirty years.

Manginas are my hero. [Read more]

If History is a Stage, Women are the Gum Under your Seat.

Posted in Myths and Lores on May 26th, 2006

Some people will tell you that women played a minor role in history. They’re wrong.

Women played no role in history. Zip, zero, zilch, nada, and fuck all. If you add them all up they equal women’s contribution to history: absolutely fucking nothing.

I was listening to a Wild-Eyed Crazy talk about the early domestication of dogs in a documentary. I’m a man so I enjoy that kind of shit. Why a woman was on a documentary that wasn’t also a sex documentary and also didn’t put her in a bikini, I do not know. However, this wacky broad posed a non-interesting theory:

The early domestication of dogs required extreme empathy. Thus, women did it.

Wow. That’s a doozy. [Read more]

Heather Mills McCartney is a One-Legged Bitch

Posted in World News on May 24th, 2006

Having one leg and being a tremendous bitch have nothing to do with one another in the case of Heather Mills ex-McCartney. Or perhaps they do. I’m unfamiliar with the circumstances that led to the loss of her leg so I can’t be sure.

You see, as a man I have a natural revulsion to celebrity drama-news — something I shall start calling drews because it’s an amalgamation of the two words ‘drama’ and ‘news’ and it sounds completely pointless and stupid. I hate drews like I hate the plague.

Wait, I know how losing a leg and being a bitch could go hand in hand. Perhaps Heather Mills was at a sob-fest for endangered bears and accidentally used a honey-based body moisturizing cream that she stole from one of her hippie friends just an hour before. Every idiot knows bears love honey. [Read more]

The Longest (And Most Annoying) Yard

Posted in Anecdotal Evidence on May 22nd, 2006

Recently, I was buying some shirts, socks, and various sundries at a retail store. Of course something like this is always a major disaster for a man because at some point, there’s a good chance you’re going to have to deal with a woman.

Maybe a woman will be sitting in an aisle of the parking lot, completely blocking traffic, while waiting for another woman to load six carts of crap and two poorly behaving children into her SUV. Maybe some female-type will be asking you to register to vote or sign some dumb fuck petition for saving an animal she secretly wants to fuck.

Or maybe she’ll just be the damn cashier. In this case, she was the damn cashier. [Read more]

The Heart of Darkness Should Have Been Called Golden Girls

Posted in Honorary Man of the Month, Wallow in It on May 19th, 2006

This is going to be one of my most controversial articles to date. I say that because I don’t even agree with it. In fact I’m disgusted by it; but that’s the burden of being a man. Even if you don’t agree with the truth or if you’re disgusted by the big fat obligation you have to keep shucking out the dough for, you do it. You do it and you shut your mouth.

Or in some cases you open your mouth in order to speak the truth. And then sometimes your mouth is a metaphor for fingers, which can do writing unless your hands are cuffed behind your back for some reason. In that case, the mouth can still be just a mouth. You understand. [Read more]