Use It Or Lose It — No Women In College

Posted in Honorary Man of the Month, World News on September 22nd, 2006

It has long been said that university is wasted on women. Grade school is wasted on them as well because women don’t need adding or spelling to sit on the couch all day and shop for fucking chicken ten minutes before their hungry man gets home, but that’s another point.

Unless they have some kind of school I don’t know about where women learn how to look thin, pretty, and shut the fuck up, all school is wasted on women. Want to know who agrees with me? MenAreBetterThanWomen’s Honorary Man of the Month for October, Sharon Dijksma. Congratulations Miss Dijk. Congratulations on the prestigious award and congratulations on having something that looks like dick in your name. That’s manly. [Read more]

Yoga Is For Sluts

Posted in Honorary Man of the Month, Myths and Lores on September 20th, 2006

In my second installment of Dick’s Week of Honorary Men, I would like to honor Kristina Kireeva. As you can tell by her first name, she’s a woman, and that makes her the Honorary Man of the Month for October. Good work Miss October.

You can follow the links at the bottom of this article (and I highly recommend you do), but I will sum it up for you here. That’s part of the reason men are so good at everything by the way. If one man does the work, that man shares it with other men. Women keep secrets like they’re poisonous.

Like everything I say about women, I didn’t know how brilliant that was until I proof read it — which as a man I never do. [Read more]

Dick’s Week of Honorary Men: Part 1

Posted in Anecdotal Evidence, Honorary Man of the Month on September 18th, 2006

The Honorary Man of the Month for August in the year of 2006 is a site visitor by the name of Jenny who knows better than to be on this site in the first place and also sent me this:

I’m a women and I agree with you. In fact I’m using a dictionary right now while I’m typing and I’m also using a typing program with automatic spell check to type everything out before I paste it into that little message box thingy[sic] and click submit. That’s the extent of my computer knowledge right there. I don’t think I even learned a thing past 4th grade, I have three little tiny fluff dogs all wearing pink jewel crusted collars with matching leashes. I wear school girl uniforms on a daily basis and like to pretend I’m dumber then I really am. I spend much of my time watching reality T.V shoes[sic], soap operas, reading fashion magazines like Seventeen and running on my treadmill. I don’t have a job and I live with my parents. I guess though you could say my job is looking cuteā€¦I think the only thing I could ever do is cook, clean, and help populate the species. That’s what we were put on this earth to do right? And wasn’t there something in the bill of writes[sic] or the constitution about all men are equal or something or other?

Anyway, like my point is I totally agree with you.

I apologize for the length and generally incompetence of that text, but it’s better you hear that kind of comment from the horses mouth — no matter how mutton-fisted her hooves are. [Read more]

Women Feel Sorry For Lamps and Old Chairs and Shit

Posted in Doings and Dealings on September 15th, 2006

If you have an agenda that you know is fucking stupid, but want to make some quick loot out of it there’s only one place to go. That’s right it’s to your nearest woman.

Women are retarded when it comes to using their empathy. That’s because empathy is in your brain not your heart or your stomach as all women believe.

Look around your man-self right now. To you, you exist in a world of inanimate objects. Unless you’re on the tube or at the zoo or something, but since you’re a man, you wouldn’t bring up something so inane and counterproductive. That’s what being a man is about; not sounding like an obnoxious twat every chance you get. [Read more]

A Woman CTO? How About CT-No?

Posted in World News on September 13th, 2006

The CTO of AOL was fired recently. For those of you who don’t know what CTO means, you can fuck off because you shouldn’t be reading this. Every man in the world knows CTO stands for Chief Technical Officer. That’s because men live and breathe business and also those are three things men are intimately familiar with.

First there’s chief. You have to be a man to be a chief. Modern chiefs get things done and make business calls from 9:00 AM until the sun crashes into the big fucking black hole in the middle of this maniverse we call the Milky Way — not the kind of calls women make either. These are calls made with a point. Officer; that’s another word. Can you imagine how fucked up a police force or any kind of force would be with female officers? The name Jessica Lynch rings a bell. Then there’s technology. Like most men, ever since seeing Blade Runner I can’t wait to get intimate with technology.

With that in mind, why is it no surprise that AOL’s CTO was recently fired?

It’s no surprise because her name is Maureen Govern. That’s a woman type’s name. [Read more]

Women Hate Babies

Posted in Myths and Lores on September 11th, 2006

Women hate children.

Remember that book Hillary Clinton wrote called “It takes a Village to Raise a Child”? I don’t know if that was the exact title. It’s not important enough of a thing for me to remember in that manner of detail. That was the point though; that women can’t raise children on their own. They need help and more importantly they need men.

Remember that movie Three Men and a Baby? I do remember that title exactly because that was a good fucking movie. What was the moral of that movie?

Men don’t need shit to raise shit — babies. [Read more]

Germain Greer is a Cunt (And a Whore) Part II

Posted in The MANifesto on September 8th, 2006

After writing my original article entitled Germaine Greer is a Cunt, I did some research on the dear lady doctor. After all, I did come at “Dr.” Greer like a venomous Ferrari (I’m sure I’m not the first — if you know what I sexually mean), and I didn’t want to sound half-cocked. I’m a man. If I’m going to sound anything it’s going to be all-cocked and I want to know about it first.

Not only did I discover that I was completely right in saying Germaine Greer is a cunt and also everything else I say about women not being as good as men, but I also found that Germaine Greer is even cuntier than I implied.

And she’s a whore. [Read more]

Germaine Greer is a Cunt

Posted in World News on September 6th, 2006

Steve Irwin “The Crocodile Hunter” died on Monday. It’s an incredible loss for the world and the card will be black in mourning this week.

The card will also be black in mourning for the loss of the last shred of dignity held by the feminist movement — bowel movement. We’ve all had a good laugh at women and their silly agendas, stupid, childish groups, and the milestones they’ve managed to cobble together out of the political table scrapings tossed to them by men. This time they’ve gone too far.

Now they’re going after a tragedy just to prove a point that no one cares about and no one can even figure out. I guess that’s to be expected. Tragedy is the only thing a feminist knows. [Read more]