News Flash! Men Have Testicles!

Posted in Science Says... on December 6th, 2006

Men and women are equal? Yea right. Where the fuck did that even start? Probably at the end of an ice cream and Chardonnay binge where the rest of women and their mythical, ego-building bullshit starts. You can have all the Tiki Taki Bed Bath & Beyond shit in the world, it doesn’t mean you don’t still need a man like your empty life fucking depends on it.

Men and women are perfectly equal except for these things men have that make them jump out of bed at the crack of morning and ask who or what is going to get his or its ass kicked today no matter what happened the day before.

Those things are called testicles. Man testicles. Men and women are not equal. Men are better than women. [Read more]

Why Can’t Women Hook Up a VCR?

Posted in Ask Dick on December 4th, 2006

There are two things women can’t do:

Hook up a VCR and Everything.

If you have ever seen a woman do either of those two things, you were either manlucinating or watching a transvestite. Loss of Man Points for the latter. [Read more]

Shitting Is Awesome

Posted in Wallow in It on November 29th, 2006

There are two things in life you can count on: death and shitting.

Fuck taxes.

Women invented taxes. [Read more]

No Fat Chicks

Posted in World News on November 27th, 2006

A bunch of fatties got together recently and didn’t watch TV, didn’t throw back any pints, and didn’t injure their ACL’s in mantastic feats of weekend warriorism. What they did do was watch boring TV (most likely), talk about how much having “curves” defines them more than their shitty collection of porcelain cats (most definitely), and sweat gravy.

Yes that’s right, this bunch of porkers were women. Guess what they also did.

They invented the scholastic discipline of Fat Studies. What in the fuck? [Read more]

Florence Nightingale Was A Neurotic Pain in the Ass

Posted in Myths and Lores on November 24th, 2006

One of the most revered women in history should be Florence Nightingale. Except for one thing; it’s called history and not shitstory.

Florence was allegedly a large motivating force behind sanitization in hospitals and the entire profession of nursing, both of which have saved hundreds of Man Lives. Man Lives are lives lived by men and are thus spent in the pursuit of manly things like building space ships and curing cancer and being worth a fuck. Manly.

Nightingale isn’t one the most revered woman in history though. Not only because women are allergic and afraid of history — threaten a woman with a treadmill and the History Channel and she’ll do whatever you want to escape, but also because men, who are better and smarter than women, can see right through Nightingale’s hype and bullshit. [Read more]

Why Women Hate Sex: Part 3

Posted in Science Says... on November 22nd, 2006

Here’s some science for your man ass.

It’s certainly not for your man penis because this science says women hate sex.

It turns out they’re allergic to it. Bullshit. [Read more]

Be Afraid of the Dentist. Be Very Afraid

Posted in Anecdotal Evidence on November 20th, 2006

I am not a big fan of the dentist. I don’t like to make a big deal out of it because making a big deal out of shit that scares you is a womanly thing to do.

Women think being afraid of shit like driving and doing math makes them more attractive. I don’t know why. It’s probably because they learn too much Chinese Philosophy and other shit at community college — shit their woman brains can’t handle. See, in Chinese Philosophy there’s something called the Yin and Yang which describe the opposing forces of gender in the natural world. It naturally stands to reason that if men are afraid of nothing, which we are, women should be afraid of everything — especially math and driving! It makes them more womanly and thus more attractive.

Also, I am not afraid of the dentist. [Read more]

Women Have Lead For Brains

Posted in World News on November 13th, 2006

Recently a woman was shot six times in the head and none of the bullets penetrated her skull.

What a fucking surprise I said to the television who told me about it. The pen is supposedly mightier than the sword, right? If something as powerful as an idea can’t penetrate the invulnerable layer of a woman’s particle board skull, what makes anyone think a fucking bullet could?

Women are like cockroaches. Their stupid opinions could survive a nuclear holocaust. [Read more]