Women Traded Cooking and Cleaning for Blowjobs
Ever wonder why the only place you can get a home cooked, fresh baked apple pie these days is at Marie Calendar’s or at your grandmother’s house?
It’s because during a movement called “Women’s Liberation”, women traded cooking and cleaning for blowjobs
Does anyone also remember when men worldwide exchanged being the sole breadwinner of the house for listening to their woman’s endless screed of woman problems?
No, no one does. That’s because it never happened.
Men don’t operate like that. All of us work on one principle: always going up and always going faster — and better whenever possible, which to a man is all the time. That means we don’t get to trade shit we don’t want to do for things like are easier, like how today’s modern, “liberated” women traded cooking and cleaning for blowjobs.
How typical of the laziness of the female species. When men are requested to do something in addition to what they’re already doing, they just say, “Well I guess I better do that then.” Then they fucking do it.
Women, however, ration their time out in bits and pieces like it was worth half a damn in the first place. The whole thing is amateur and childish, really. Imagine if men worked that way. When we men invented farming and agriculture, we would have just stopped hunting all together and became a veganous species of some kind.
Would you like from fries with your Big Mac? No, because there’s no such thing as a Big Mac in a world without meat. And that’s exactly what we would have if women ran the show. No meat, just a bunch of aimless dreams and junior high grab-ass horseshit.