Call Dick!

I enjoy each and every one of the countless manpliments and words of mancouragement that I receive from my man-readers. However, reading and writing are womanly things. Go to a bookstore and see for yourself if you want proof.

Bam! That’s your proof right there. As a man, you haven’t been to a bookstore in so long that you don’t even know what I’m talking about. The bookstore is full of books for women! The whole goddamn industry is lousy with them.

To that end, I’ve acquired a phone number for men to call to offer their words of wisdom on top of whatever I’ve said — to spare them the womanliness of writing me an email or leaving me a written comment. Feel free to call and add anything you want to the conversation. All voice mails are being recorded and will be compiled into a podcast for the site.

No women are allowed to call.

(323) 454-DICK
(323) 454-3425
