Curse Words Make Sugar-Plum Fairies Cry
Posted in Wallow in It on July 15th, 2005I can’t count the number of times I’ve been chastised by a raving schoolmarm (who should have been minding her own fucking business) for tossing a few baudy, blue color words into a conversation. As a man I use swear words, or “sentence enhancers” as I call them, with extreme discretion and in proper taste at all times. That doesn’t seem to be enough for women though.
And why would it be? It is perfectly reasonable.
Women say that swearing is uncouth or inappropriate. What I say to that is, are you fucking serious? That’s the stupidest of shit that I have ever heard it. And I’ve heard plenty of stupid shit.
The real reason women hate swearing is because they actually think curse words are magical. [Read more]