Science Says…

It’s no surprise to men that science has a lot to say about men being better than women.

Take Two Of These And Call Me Never

Posted in Science Says... on September 14th, 2005

Men are better at being sick than women. We’re better at getting sick too, which is another point. Because nine out of ten times you do not actually need a fucking jacket when some nagging woman says you do, and that’s called being efficient any way you slice it. Any man will tell you that. From eight to eighty.

Men being better than women at being sick simply means no whining, no complaining, no hideous sweat pants, no watching fuck the libido horseshit on Oxygen all day, no cravings, no massive weight gaining for three days, no mini-vacations, no crying jags, and no moratoriums on oral sex.

Men don’t pull any of that ridiculous shit. [Read more]

Women Put the Guh in Google

Posted in Science Says... on August 5th, 2005

All men know that women are terrible at the communication. We see it every day in the form of women dressing like blatant prostitutes when they claim to be the exact opposite — not prostitutes.

That’s bad communicating.

We also see it when we see women screaming like frantic savages in the workplace or in the home after they screw something up. While they’re tearing their hair out and trying to stretch their nostrils as wide as their eyes and their eyes as wide as their mouths and their mouths as wide as a toilet, what they’re actually trying to say is this:

“I’m sorry. You’re actually totally right. How could I have possibly fucked up this badly again?”

The answer is simple elementary, my dear. You’re a woman. [Read more]

Women Have Cooties

Posted in Science Says... on July 29th, 2005

Men have more androgen in their systems than women. And androgen, as any biologist or man can tell you, is not only the key ingredient of awesome, but it also creates thicker more resilient skin.

But there’s another reason why women’s faces fall the fuck apart the second they hit thirty — a reason that has nothing to do with the Make-up Biologique.

It’s because twice every day of their lives, women plaster enough goo and junk on themselves to choke a donkey.

Why do they do this? What am I Mr. Answers with the answers to everything?

You bet your ass I am. [Read more]

Women Are As Cold As An Ice Cold Beer

Posted in Science Says... on June 29th, 2005

Women allegedly feel colder than men all the time because they have a higher surface to volume ratio and less muscle density. That’s a nice way of saying that they have a higher body fat percentage. And that’s a nice way of saying that women are fatter than men. That much is obviously true. Being skinny is a thing and men are better than women at all things. What next? Is the sky blue? Yep.

That seems to be one of the reasons that Curves: The Women’s Gym is taking off like a house fire. Actually, Curves is only successful because it is run by a man: Robbie Allan. If Curves was a gym for women and run by women, it would be about as successful as “lesbians” raising a child.

The real truth of these cold fronts are that women are scientifically engineered to constantly bitch. [Read more]

One in Three Women is Illiterate

Posted in Science Says... on May 25th, 2005

Sometimes the statement men are better than women leaves me wanting a little more in the flavor of substance. It’s not often. Like all men, the shortcomings of women are something I’ve learned to accept and move on. However, occasionally we men need to re-evaluate. We need more than rational hypothesizing and logical conjecture. We need facts for the why’s and how’s.

I pose this as a formal theory. Men are better than women at everything because something like 30% of women are illiterate. [Read more]

Oil on the Brain

Posted in Science Says... on May 11th, 2005

I read an article a few months ago about some fundamental differences between the brains of men and women and I would like to discuss one of the more interesting points.

Let me also stress up front that I don’t remember really where I read this article. It was in some journal of scientific findings that is quite reputable. That much you can be sure of. [Read more]

Space…the Male Frontier

Posted in Science Says... on April 29th, 2005

If you’re anything like me, you have never asked yourself why a woman has never been to the moon because the answer is obvious.

Actually, the answer may surprise you. [Read more]