Dick’s Voicemail #9
Posted in Dick In Your Ear on May 1st, 2008Remember to pick up your signed copy of Men Are Better Than Women at OprahisGoingtoShit.com. Each signed book comes with a limited edition 8×10 of yours truly.

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Remember to pick up your signed copy of Men Are Better Than Women at OprahisGoingtoShit.com. Each signed book comes with a limited edition 8×10 of yours truly.
Taste another sampling of my voice-man-mail. More death threats per podcast than any other on the net.
The topic this week is: what’s the stupidest thing you’ve ever seen a woman do? Call and tell me what it was.
I received over a thousand voice mails in the last five days, and I will be posting them all week.
Next week’s topic: what is the stupidest thing you’ve ever seen a woman do. Call in and tell me.