Archive for February, 2007

Women Admit Defeat

Posted in The MANifesto on February 28th, 2007

Yesterday,, the website devoted to the infinity of ways in which men are better than women — and all the no ways in which women are better or even as good as men, was brought down by the complaints of a childless harpy.

That’s the worst kind of woman: a childless one.

A woman without children is like a Lego set that comes with missing pieces, or an aborted baby someone left in the street. It’s incomplete and now it’s just a big fucking mess left there to fuck with everyone.

Want to build a cool castle that won’t have a portcullis? Or do you want some placenta on your shoe?

No. I’ll take neither. [Read more]

Tennis Says Women Are Whores

Posted in World News on February 23rd, 2007

This year, Wimbledon will be offering the same prize monies for women that they do for men. This is a first for Wimbledon, but it isn’t a first for women and bitching their way into higher pay without providing shit extra.

That’s something women do every day.

In an article I read about it, so-called experts say Wimbledon is bowing to public pressure. That’s where they lost me. In order to create public pressure, doesn’t a person have to not have anything more important to do during the day, like a fucking job or any hobbies or anything like that?

How about raising a family? No, women certainly don’t do that. [Read more]

Date Rape is a Myth

Posted in Science Says... on February 19th, 2007

Personally, I have always known date rape victims and drug rape victims are lying whores. Of course “personally” is the worst way to be right about anything. “Personally” is subjective and emotional. It is prone to error and bias. “Personally” is womanly.

Unless you’re a man.

Men have magic black boxes of objectification in our brains that turn all life experience into laws you could wear as ship shaped shoes and walk across water. Men and their mighty, manly opinions on things are air tight. Fuck yea.

Scientifically, all date rape victims are lying whores. [Read more]

Women With Male Friends Are Delusional

Posted in Myths and Lores on February 12th, 2007

Women think if you leave a head of lettuce at the bowling alley, it will eventually turn into a bowling ball.

Now I don’t have anything personally against women, but that is fucking dumb.

Sack of dirt dumb.

Women also think having a bunch of male friends makes them better than other women. Women are raving, hateful misogynists in that way. Apparently “misogyny” means a hatred of women, and I can’t think of anything more hateful than thinking you’re better than someone just because you’re not friends with them. That borders on racism.

Women are also wrong. Having male friends doesn’t make a woman special or not a bitch. Actually, it makes her ten times the bitch. [Read more]

Women Ruined Valentine’s Day

Posted in Science Says... on February 7th, 2007

Did you know Valentine’s Day started in the first century, when warring factions of the Roman Empire sent barrels of pig hearts to one another as a token of their disgust?

It’s a relief to know little of Valentine’s Day has changed over the manturies.

Women are so fucking selfish that they would rather some kid die in a ditch somewhere in Africa than give up just one of their precious Valentine’s Day presents and extravagant meals. Men are better than women at Valentine’s Day. Women ruined it with their selfishness. [Read more]

Let’s Talk Extended Warranty

Posted in Doings and Dealings on February 2nd, 2007

Women may have club-footed their way into science; they may have even tight-sweatered their way into politics; but where are the female used car salesmen?

Nowhere. Men are better than women. [Read more]